About DH_Age
Gary Dempsey
is a co-founder and creative director of Digital Heritage Age and Lectures at Atlantic Technological University (ATU) - Galway City on a variety of modules including Heritage; Animation and Game Design. Working as a heritage professional since 2010 Gary has keen interest in community heritage management, collection and promotion. His current research examines the role of stonemasons in medieval Ireland.
Gary holds a BA (Hons.) in Heritage Studies (GMIT) and a MA in Irish Studies (NUIGalway). He graduated with an MSc in Heritage Visualization (SimVis Glasgow School of Art).
His work profile includes archaeological research, education development and digital community training, as well as lecturing on Animation and Game Design, and Heritage modules at ATU-Galway City
Orla-Peach Power
Orla is a co-founder, researcher and editor at DH_Age. She is a graduate of the MA in Digital Arts and Humanities (UCC) where she studied the application of photogrammetry in recording at risk commemorative stone monuments. Her key focus within DH_Age has been trans-disciplinary projects such as the Pallasboy Project where she incorporated digital recording techniques into the wider experimental archaeology project.
Orla is also interested in the Community Ownership of cultural heritage and how digitising cultural heritage can help to foster a sense of community spirit and allow communities to curate their own heritage collections online.
Orla was a research assistant on the IRC funded digital humanities project Deep Maps: West Cork Coastal Cultures project which is a trans-disciplinary project between the School of English and the School of Biological Environmental, and Earth Sciences. She is responsible for visualising and communicating the range of data collated as part of the Deep Maps project, and is also charged with the task of developing and maintaining an online presence via social media platforms and an integrated.
She works as a research assistant with MaREI the world-leading Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine, and has a keen interesting in mapping coastal heritage, and community heritage.